Monday, August 31, 2009

Today is the day

Finally,the day has come to an end!i knew my team did not done so much thing for orang utan,but we did learnt one thing in this life, to create an awareness was not easy as we watched on tv! and the whole thing made us more appreciated about Orang utans more than before,we now do love this special creature,as we thinked back Orang utans are more than what we can imagine,they are extaordinary,worth than anything!but selfish people still thinking about money by cutting off trees!Let they live happily like we do,wake up!We learnt that everything must have a good team work,not just our knowledges!

We would like to thank to our loyal supporter,who were very supportive,who signed our petition,and a big thanks to the Organizer of New Hope for Orang utan Programme too!Congratulations,They did a good job in order to create awareness in every teenager!

not to forget,
Happy Independence Day to all Malaysians!!

WE can make a DIFFERENCE!!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Flyers & Responses!

Adeeb was holding our flyers!(adorable)

Papa signed the petition too!

This should be posted earlier,but there's a problem!
So this is it!I've posted the idea of petition,right?Btw this project have been held without my members,because they were busy with their holidays!but nvm!Sorry guys!fyi,I've made a flyer to attract the modern parents lately!after that,i've experimented it in my mom's office anyway i want to thank my mom although there was a lot of work she should be doing but she still have a time for my campaign!thanks soo much mama!As we all know some of our parents nowadays are not awared enough with endangered animal species but somehow not in my mom's office then,they were very awared,i personally stunned with the result!How cool was that ,huh!Thanks to all the stuffs in Khazanah Nasional Berhad,Your supports are well appreciated!My dad responsed to it too,Thanks papa,You're very supportive when it comes to your kids!!But i managed to get around 40 signatures only,nvm,i knew they were really busy enough with their own works!thanks again!

I know we can make a difference if there more awareness campaign held especially in Asian countries!So,Think Twice,people!

By Aqila,orangutanlovers

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dear Readers,

we have an announcement to make :)

The Animal Planet is going to show story featuring our friends..
animal planet logo Pictures, Images and Photos

sorry,old logo,since we can't find the latest one

Channel : Animal Planet (Astro channel 556)
Tittle : Orangutan Island
Time : 4pm and 10pm(repeat)
Date : 28/8/2009 (this friday)

So, don't forget to spent your time to get to know them better.
It's going to be very interesting and fun.
Remember, DON'T FORGET TO WATCH IT okay!!

We can make a difference.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Petition Time!

Yeay,this is our second post for today!!

Okay,This time we decided to make a petition!

The petition will be pass out to our parent's friends,because we know that people nowadays especially our parents!They usually don't have much time to do some research or simple searching in endangered animals like Orang utans.So,this is it!It's time for us to do our part on saving Orang utans with Modern mamas and papas.Hope it will workout!

Till next time,guys!Keep on reading our blog!

We can make a difference,You can too!


Tell Me Why? WHY??

Some of you wondered why did the orangutan become endangered.
Here's the reason..
(we are actually part of the reasons. tsk tsk tsk...)

Firstly, the orangutan's forest habitat is being cleared for agriculture. Oil palm plantations are taking over more and more of the landscape. Most of the lowland forest on Borneo and Sumatra is gone, and orangutans and other forest species are being forced into higher elevation forests. These forests are not as productive as lowland forests and cannot support the same density of animals. The palm trees are the only trees that can support their weight of 118kg, this means there are less orangutans around because either they sleep on the ground and are killed or they find another tree and it breaks and they fall out and die.

cutting down trees Pictures, Images and Photos

Logging brings another problem for the orangutans: logging roads make forests more accessible. Poachers come into the forest on logging roads, shoot mother orangutans, and capture the babies. Baby orangutans are very desirable as pets in Asia. It is estimated that for every orangutan that makes it into the pet trade, 4 or 5 die. Some fall to the forest floor when their mother is killed, others succumb to human disease, malnourishment or maltreatment in the hands of traders.

When baby orangutans grow up, they become difficult pets, and owners often ask officials to take them away. Many orangutans raised as pets suffer from disease, and they are not suited to living in the wild. Some can be taught to live in the wild, but rehabilitation is a long and expensive process.

So, is there any future for them?

We can make a difference.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our Fantastic Friend...

is the amazing Orangutan!!

orangutan Pictures, Images and Photos

The name "orangutan" literally translates into English as "man of the forest". It comes from Malay and Bahasa Indonesian orang (man) and hutan (forest).Their scientific name is Pongo pygmaeus.

Orangutans are extremely intelligent creatures who clearly have the ability to reason and think. Their similarity to us is uncanny. Baby orangutans cry when they’re hungry, whimper when they’re hurt and smile at their mothers. They express emotions just like we do: joy, fear, anger, surprise ... it’s all there. If you take a few minutes and watch an orangutan, you’ll swear they’re just like us.

Orangutans are omnivorous; they eat both plants and animals such as: fruit, leaves, flowers, bark, nuts, shoots, insects, bird eggs, and small mammals. Some may be seen eating soil, a source of minerals for many animals. Water is drunk from tree holes by dipping in a hand and sucking the water-drops that fall from its wrist.

More to come!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Right Here Right Now

Greetings fellow readers!

We are the orangutanlovers, and this blog is specially created to tell you guys about our journey on saving orangutans' lives.

This blog is for our school project,New Hope for Orang-Utan School Programme, but we also want to increase the awareness in people about our precious friends, orang utans,which are currently facing extinction and critically endangered worldwide.

So,your supports are much appreciated and by being our followers,you can help our 'friend'!
